
In India, 1 in 4 is hypertensive, and cumulatively, more than 90% of adults with hypertension are either undiagnosed, untreated, or treated but with uncontrolled hypertension.

The “Rule of half” of hypertension does not apply to India as the proportion of people screened, aware of their hypertension status, treated, and controlled are lower than 50% at each stage.

Hypertension, also known as high or raised blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. Blood is carried from the heart to all parts of the body in the vessels.

Classification of Blood Pressure (ACC/AHA 2023)

ClassificationSBP mmHgDBP mmHg
Normal< 120< 80
Pre-hypertension120-129< 80
Stage 1 Hypertension130-13980-89
Stage 2 Hypertension≥ 140≥ 90

SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure): The systolic number is the top reading and showcases the force of blood in your arteries when your heart beats.

DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure): The diastolic, the bottom number, reflects the force when your heart is resting between beats.